O Governo do Estado de São Paulo, por meio da Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa, apresenta

The FCD – Festival Contemporâneo de São Paulo is an international festival dedicated to experimentation, artistic exchange and to the diffusion of performative works propelled by reflection and critical thinking.
Carried annually, the FCD gathers in São Paulo artists from many countries that are interested in the constitution of affective and artistic coexistence contexts, bringing the local public closer to different propositions and creation practices, considering dance as a shared production of knowledge.
The performances take place in short seasons in theatres located at the old centre of São Paulo, a region of high social vulnerability. With free or low-cost admissions, the festival aims to expand the access to the performative arts, contributing to the democratization of contemporary art in the city.
The FCD has as a differential feature a programme connected to international dance circuits, gathering renowned artists and new creators of the contemporary scene. In addition to the presentations of national and international works, the FCD holds a net of actions turned to the formation, the investigation and the artistic qualification, such as creation workshops, where the artists share their practices and processes with the participants; talks with artists, critics and invited investigators; actions of formation involving students from public schools; and showcases of new creators in dance, that counts with a large engagement of young artists.
Created by artists and producers in 2008, the FCD, until 2018 called as Festival Contemporâneo de Dança, is the first independent dance festival in São Paulo, having achieved through the years the recognition of the public and the specialized critics. The FCD was awarded twice with the APCA prize - Associação Paulista dos Críticos de Arte, for the 2018 edition and for its first edition in 2008. The FCD is part of the annual calendar of the city of São Paulo and has counted with the support of several national and international institutions such as SESC São Paulo, Itaú Cultural, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Caixa Cultural, Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de São Paulo, Secretaria de Cultura do Estado de São Paulo; and international institutions as Goethe-Institut, Instituto Ramon Llull, Iberescena, Institut Français, DGARTES, Fonds Podiumkunsten - Holanda, Centro Cultural da Espanha, Nationales Performance Netz - Alemanha, La Caldera - Espanha, EDN network, among others.
Over its 12 editions the FCD has become the more longevous international festival in the city, and it is recognised internationally as the Brazilian festival dedicated to the diffusion of “cutting-edge works” turned to the experimentation and to the dialogue among artists from different countries, bringing together diverse publics from São Paulo. Promoting the access to the creation processes, practices, propositions and to the works of these artists, the FCD boosts the performative arts in the city, expands audiences, contributes to the qualification of the local scene and inserts São Paulo in the international circuits.
Adriana Grechi e Amaury Cacciacarro